January 2020 Newsletter Happy New Year to all FCM’s --
Fishing Club Members!
Not just Happy New Year, not
just happy new decade. Not just
new resolutions. Not just new
2020 laws: minimum wage, gig
workers, natural hair styles,
lactation accommodations,
harassment training, family
leave, rent control, religious
displays, online privacy -- oh
baby, it never ends! At least
current fishing regs last through
February, giving us time to adjust
to all the rest.
We also have a new home. Not
Tony and me personally, the
club! After so many years at the
beautiful Bali Hai, we’ve known
a long time that our days there
were numbered. They’ve been
our loyal supporters for so long,
but we’ve been digging into their
bottom line. It costs them $1,000
just to set up the room, provide a
bartender, and deliver orders. If
they have a paying customer for
the room, the minimum fee for
providing food and beverage
service is $3,200! You can see
why we often had to scramble for
another spot. We can hardly
blame them for putting a paying
customer in ‘our’ spot. But to
make up the difference between
what our members have been
spending, and the $1,000
minimum they need, we’d have
such a drain on club funds that
we would fold in a year. And
even if we paid that amount,
we’d still be out whenever they
had a paying customer. It’s sad,
but understandable. Where will
we be? See the article “Our
New Stomping Grounds.”
Thursday, January 9th we’ll be
visited by one of the luminaries
of fishing, tournaments, and
travel, Gary C. Graham. An
award-winning writer and
photojournalist, columnist for
Western Outdoor News, and Baja
editor of BD Outdoors
(Bloodydecks), he’s a contributor
to Discover Baja and Destino
Los Cabos, various fishing
journals, author of multiple
books, and founder of Friends of
Fishing for disadvantaged youth.
With his wife Yvonne, he runs
Baja on the Fly, a full-service
saltwater fly-fishing
clearinghouse for guides,
accommodations, boats, and
other services in Baja and
mainland Mexico. See his entry
in the California Outdoors Hall
of Fame for a list of just some of
the honors and awards he has
received, and his many
accomplishments. He’s BIG in
our part of California too – this is
a speaker who can change your

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